Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin

January 4, 2024
pages • 11.7 mb • pdf
2:52 PM
Letter to ministry of justice, prosecution.
2:52 PM
Complaint to national human rights commission.
2:53 PM
Version 3 of my arguments.
2:53 PM
Version 3.3 more detailed of my arguments.
2:53 PM
How do we proceed?. If the entirety is beyond your comprehension, I'd like you publish the incident that occured while I was in police custody and ask they investigate the matter.
6:52 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Hello Sir
9:42 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
we are ready to publish now
9:42 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
do you want it on our blog or Instagram page?
9:42 PM
I paid for the 200k thingy.
9:46 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
9:46 PM
I would like it on all platforms alongside a call to Nigeria Police force and Delta State Police Command to be actionable.
9:46 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
it is either to be published on our Instagram page or the blog
9:47 PM
Both, plus Twitter
9:47 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
also I was unable to get the Delta state police command's comment this evening as we finished with the report late
9:48 PM
Alright I'm trusting your continued action.
9:48 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Can we publish tomorrow morning when I have gotten his input
9:48 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
9:48 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Latest by 9 I would have spoken to him
9:48 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
I would call him by 8am
9:48 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
so latest by 9 he would have responded to my inquiries
9:49 PM
I'm sure publications does not require their input. The input from them would be an update to the complaint.
9:49 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
okay then
9:49 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
i get you
9:49 PM
I'd like you proceed with publications. If it'll cost more to advertise on all platforms we can discuss that.
9:49 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
please speak with my boss on the platforms you want it on
9:49 PM
I'll do so rn.
9:49 PM
What are your current platforms and links to them ?.
9:50 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
she will send them to you Sir
9:51 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
she is the head
9:51 PM
9:51 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Just contacted the Delta Police PRO
10:15 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
He has promised to revert to me in the morning
10:15 PM
10:19 PM
January 5, 2024
I'll be back online in 30mins.
1:05 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Okay Sir
1:10 PM
1:37 PM
Do you have further questions?.
1:37 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
2:07 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Here is the link
2:07 PM
No, no certainty of death but I'll check it out..
2:08 PM
The emphasis is I was attacked while I custody and police refused to investigate.
2:08 PM
That's the specific story I'm sharing.
2:08 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
2:08 PM
It's perfect.
2:10 PM
The title was deceiving.
2:10 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
So yiu want us to change it
2:10 PM
That's the entirety of the story. I don't believe the claim of death given he was alive when I assisted.
2:10 PM
It's perfect.
2:10 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
How about “someone allegedly died’
2:11 PM
Also he wasn't bleeding all through and their actions prove it's a frame up.
2:11 PM
They stated a death occured. I'm contesting that alongside arguing he is a criminal.
2:11 PM
I'd like the NPF and state command to investigate the entirety of incidents.
2:11 PM
The officers blessing edosa and Onyeama Nwaojigba should be stated.
2:12 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Okay Stated
2:12 PM
They're the IPOs, they falsified the statement, received money for bail and continually asked for financial support after charging me unlawfully.
2:12 PM
2:13 PM
2:14 PM
2:14 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
So you want these photos in the post?
2:15 PM
2:15 PM
2:15 PM
2:15 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
So you want the headline edited?
2:15 PM
The vehicle I used to assist after he broke in. Not a drop of blood.
2:15 PM
They detained me and falsified a statement of accidental discharge
2:16 PM
That's much more descriptive.
2:16 PM
Then while in police custody my property was attacked similar to the attack for which I was unlawfully detained
2:17 PM
These are the topics.
2:17 PM
Im calling on NPF and Delta State Police Command.
2:19 PM
An investigation of the attacks including the one that occured while in their custody.
2:19 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
So are you satisfied with the headline?
2:24 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
and also is the body of the report okay?
2:24 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
we have published the story already and so adding the photos you just sent on Instagram and Facebook will not be possible
2:25 PM
The story is great. Save what I've stated. The headline should be improved. The story should be republishable.
2:26 PM
I'm emphasing they investigate the incident that occured in their custody and others. They didn't investigate the incident. They simply confessed to their own accusation.
2:27 PM
I'll call.
2:27 PM
2:27 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
2:31 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Businessman whose property was burgled accuses Delta police command of detaining him for murder after a man who invaded his property allegedly died
2:48 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
A man named Mouka Emmanuel has cried out for help after being detained by police when a man who allegedly broke into his property allegedly died. Mr Mouka explained that his business place in Agbor, Delta State, was burgled multiple times in 2022.

One attack happened on February 12, 2022, so he reported the attacks to the Agbor Police Command and he mentioned “police officer Duke Amerika” as the officer he told about the “repeated robberies and assassination attempts” on him. He said another attack by armed persons followed shortly after.

Mouka mentioned that on April 19, 2022, his building was burgled again. On the fateful day, he explained that business closed by 3pm and he left the office section of his property and retired to the private section when another attack was launched on his property.

He said that a man named Happy Uboh was the person who allegedly broke into his property on this day and the suspect sent him a message before breaking in to tell him he was sick. Mr Mouka shared with LIB a screenshot of the message Happy Uboh purportedly sent to him.

“I dey break down. I need medical attention so I had to go” the message from Happy Uboh to Mouka read

Shortly after the message came in, Mr Mouka said he found out his property was under attack again so he went out of his private residence and found Happy outside asking for help and also for his forgiveness.

He said his staff did not grant the attackers entry so he had no idea how they got into his compound.

“He wasn't bleeding or wounded but I found him on the floor inside my premises,” Mr Mouka said of Happy Uboh's presence on his property.

He said he quickly went out and called neighbours to help Happy Uboh. He claimed he then went to Agbor police to report that he had found one of the alleged culprits.

However, he said the police arrested him, telling him that Happy had died. He said they went on to accuse him of killing Happy Uboh.

He told LIB:

“The police asked me to state an accidental discharge occurred, but I refused. They arrested me and falsified a claim of accidental discharge at Asaba Command, Delta State.”

He added that just because he owns a “licensed firearm” they decided to frame him for “murder.”

He further alleged that he was the victim of multiple attacks from Happy Uboh and other armed men but he is now being persecuted and treated like a criminal.

While in police custody, he said he got information that his property was allegedly burgled again by armed men on May 15, 2022, and he showed the extent of the damage done in photos shared with LIB. He said that he demanded that an investigation be carried out on the attack on his property while he was in police custody but the police have refused to do so.

Mr Mouka said he requested bail and was asked to pay a sum, which he did, yet the police refused to set him free.

He added that he wants ‘’justice and his freedom.''

He said he wants the case against him to be discharged “given the circumstance indicating me being the victim of an attack at my private residence.”

He added: “I have been detained since April 16, 2022, without cause… The situation reflects I am not just a victim but the target of assassination, malicious damage to my property, and other forms of attacks.”

He is amongst other things asking the police to investigate further attacks on his property while he was in detention as well as the false allegation of ‘’accidental discharge'' leveled against him by the police in Agbor division.
2:49 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
does this capture your story?
2:50 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
2:50 PM
I was framed, the persons didn't die, I didn't see a dead body.
I'm reading the article.
3:00 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
3:00 PM
The break in is not an allegation. I can provide contact of my staff Happy. Different from the assassin Happy Uboh.
3:01 PM
She can inform you of the April 19, 2022, events and confirm where she was and where I was in the premises and if she granted entry.
3:01 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
the reason for the allegedly is to cast doubt on the claims that the said Happy died
3:01 PM
I personally grant approval for entry.
3:01 PM
He factually broke in.
3:01 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
I understand you Sir
3:02 PM
Would you like to speak to my staff who was there ?. Police didn't collect her statement. They refused.
3:02 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Hold on please
3:02 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Let's finish with this publication
3:02 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
so are you okay with this?
3:03 PM
Dates are April 19, 2022
3:04 PM
Perfect otherwise.
3:05 PM
Here's my firearms license.
3:05 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
Mouka mentioned that on April 19, 2022, his building was burgled again. On the fateful day, he explained that business closed by 3pm and he left the office section of his property and retired to the private section when another attack was launched on his property.
3:05 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin
it is stated April 19, 2022
3:05 PM
Linda ikeji Editor Gbemi Mowarin