Onyeama NPF

May 2, 2023
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8:10 PM
This version 3.3 lists suspects and indicates the situation to be a robbery and assassination. Kindly review and advise.
8:10 PM
I'll reach barr.aghorlor, tomorrow. I hope the name is spent right.
8:11 PM
I'll expect your feedback after review and discussion with barr.aghorlor.
8:11 PM
May 3, 2023
Have you reviewed the document I sent.
You are required to withdraw the charge when I prove the person claimed to be dead on April 19, 2022, is suspected attacker. You don't know what occured on April 19, 2022, the statement you presented was not written by me or with information I provided.
I have presented the list of suspects in the last document I sent to you. If you don't act on it you are detaining a victim unlawfully. The witnesses on April 19, 2022, inside my gated premises are me and my staff, she is named Happy. I will call shortly to discuss and conclude.
Good morning.
8:29 AM
Onyeama NPF
8:31 AM
Important you review the last document sent, v3.3, I did not list suspects in previous versions. You should also expect to speak to witnesses involved in this matter today. The only witness I brought to Asaba in your custody was a random stranger who helped after the attack. I personally brought that witness to you at Asaba.
8:33 AM
Confirm you have or will prior to my call. I've been detained for a year+ after suffering an attack at my gated premises. The laws of the country absolves me from nay accusation during a threat to my life and my property.
8:53 AM
I'll call soon. The arguments I sent refers to laws of Nigeria. Same laws you used in charging me wrongly for a crime. Read the document and confirm readiness to speak with relevant persons and act on this matter. Its not an issue of helping but acting in accordance to the job you're doing as a police officer. Every fact presented is verifiable.
9:56 AM
Good evening.
6:42 PM
Onyeama NPF
Emma good evening
8:59 PM
Onyeama NPF
How are you doing this evening?
8:59 PM
I'm okay. I planned to call but if you've got feedback I'm receptive. I got a cross to Blessing, asked she be kind enough to involve and review the facts towards my release.
9:02 PM
Onyeama NPF
She is aware of the actions being taken. Most times I don't involve her due to her activities or other assignments
9:05 PM
Onyeama NPF
All the same, I still mounting pressure on DPP legal department for necessary actions
9:06 PM
If you've investigated the facts presented and find them true, the law indicates the absence of criminal accusation at me. I would rather be the complainant which I am.
9:08 PM
Onyeama NPF
I suppose to be there tomorrow but am travelling for autopsy at Warri General Hospital
9:08 PM
Safe travels.
9:08 PM
Onyeama NPF
I see the way you look at issues from legal perspectives
9:09 PM
Onyeama NPF
Thanks so much
9:09 PM
My staff, the other victim of the attack is available to present her account of the events on April 19, 2022.
9:09 PM
There's only legal perspectives otherwise the remand and detainment would be a kidnapping.
9:10 PM
At police it's the law you operate with, same with the court.
9:10 PM
Onyeama NPF
What you are saying is the fact
9:11 PM
Onyeama NPF
There is hope of convincing them to reality of this case.
9:11 PM
You're required to act on my immediate release. It's not convincing, it's quoting law.
9:11 PM
At police and court, the law either absolves or indicts. The applicable laws shows when I'm the victim I should not be treated as a suspect.
9:12 PM
You wrote a report based on claims that were not presented to you by me.
9:12 PM
The claims presented in these documents show I reported and invited police on February 12, 2022, further armed attacks occurred.
9:13 PM
On April 19, 2022, another attack occurred.
9:13 PM
While in your custody, another attack occurred.
9:14 PM
What is there to convince, at trial presenting facts closes the matter. The thing is to verify, not to convince.
9:14 PM
May 4, 2023
Good morning, I'll call today so we continue on our discussions. If you'll be out of the office you can let me know when, later today or tomorrow ?
10:24 AM
Safe travels.
10:24 AM
May 5, 2023
Good morning. I'll call today.
9:29 AM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
Further information on my residence and the fact it was broken into during the events on April 19, 2022. You've been there but I'm supporting the facts presented to you.
3:46 PM
May 7, 2023
Good morning, I'll call today to know your action on the matter. I'm assuming you're back. Welcome.
10:50 AM
I could not call today as planned. Any feedback?.
9:33 PM
You've not responded to my recent notices. What's the status of things ?.
9:33 PM
May 8, 2023
Onyeama NPF
I have not responded bcos, I have not gotten concrete and positive response from DPP or Ministry of Justice
2:40 AM
Onyeama NPF
I will be there this morning
2:41 AM
Onyeama NPF
I will be in their office b4 10am this morning
2:42 AM
I've sent facts to be admitted in your report, listed witnesses to support my claims and evidences. This action should ensure the MOJ take immediate action on the matter. Good morning. I will call today.
8:27 AM
The state counsel in the matter is Barr.F.O. Isichie. I can send you his contact so you inform him what you've verified to be factual. He could be of assistance but has not acted on the facts presented which I would compel with a request to the court. You could discuss with him on your efforts or investigations so he is of positive assistance in resolving this unnecessary charge before the court. Should I send his number to you ?.
8:53 AM
Onyeama NPF
You are free to send
12:06 PM
Alright. I'll notify him alongside.
12:07 PM
file ext- "Barr.Isichie.vcf"-"vcf"
12:10 PM
I just spoke to him. I've insisted he represent the state interest by being fair, not claiming he represents the complainant. Alternatively I've asked he involve and expedite the closure of this matter if his advise is focused on resolution when I've presented information to show I'm the victim.
12:11 PM
He advises and insists a peaceful settlement is his position. The laws insists he act on evidence and law, not just defending the interests of persons who claim to be complainants.
12:12 PM
What is the procedure to establish a complaint. My lawyers are currently working on it. Do you receive and act on complaints directly ?.
12:15 PM
Onyeama NPF
I understand
12:18 PM
Onyeama NPF
I'm on my way back to the office
12:18 PM
12:19 PM
I'm expecting your notice. I wish to submit a complaint regarding this matter and request a formal investigation and arrest if within your power.
12:20 PM
May 10, 2023
Good day. I'm expecting your feedback.
1:21 PM
Onyeama NPF
I was not able to be there today
10:31 PM
Understood. Good evening.
Anyway I can expedite your efforts, kindly advise.
10:32 PM
Further information, witnesses and all are available.
10:32 PM
Onyeama NPF
I travelled, we came in very late. Tomorrow won't be convenient for me to be there
10:32 PM
You're welcome.
10:32 PM
Please prioritize this affair.
10:33 PM
Onyeama NPF
Noted pls
10:33 PM
What is the schedule? I'm detained unjustly. You've to act out of your way to ensure I'm free.
10:41 PM
May 11, 2023
Good morning.
10:26 AM
May 12, 2023
Good day. How are you doing Mr.Onyeama ?.
1:27 PM
May 15, 2023
Good evening mr.onyeama, I've expected your feedback.
7:49 PM
May 16, 2023
Onyeama NPF
I travelled, I will be back soonest
6:13 PM
Safe travels.
6:15 PM
May 23, 2023
Goodday,are you back ?
3:11 PM
May 24, 2023
Onyeama NPF
Yes I'm back
2:03 PM
Onyeama NPF
Planning for the burial of my ground mother
2:03 PM
Onyeama NPF
We are on your mater now. Can I know the lawyer you are using now?
2:03 PM
Onyeama NPF
Can you allow me to direct you on how to go about this case?
2:04 PM
Onyeama NPF
I need your approval if you wish. Again I will want to know the lawyer to enable me work with the lawyer quickly
2:05 PM
Onyeama NPF
If you won't allow me to direct this affairs, it will hinder our aims and objectives.
2:07 PM
Mr.Onyeama, welcome back. I'll call.
2:37 PM
I've spoken to Barr.Osifo, he'll meet you today.
3:40 PM
file ext- "Barr Osifo Asaba.vcf"-"vcf"
3:40 PM
That's his contact.
3:40 PM
May 25, 2023
Met with Barr.Osifo ?
9:27 AM
Good morning
9:27 AM
Onyeama NPF
Yes, good morning
9:28 AM
Onyeama NPF
We discussed well
9:28 AM
I'll call.
9:28 AM
Onyeama NPF
Like what I told you, allow us to work
9:28 AM
Onyeama NPF
We equally discussed with Aghulor
9:29 AM
You're taking action in a matter where I'm accused. I'll call and listen to what you propose to resolve this unjust accusation.
9:29 AM
May 27, 2023
I met with my lawyer, Barr.Osifo, I've signed copies of the facts. I'm asking you assist to avoid a case of prosecution for your falsification of statement and other complaints against you and blessing. Kindly assist.
Its the minimum you can do to resolve this issue. He'll meet and engage you for advise and action, there are suspects stated, if you've reviewed the matter I can provide info to make arrest and investigation.
5:16 PM
May 30, 2023
Your security code with Onyeama NPF changed. Tap to learn more.
Your security code with Onyeama NPF changed. Tap to learn more.
July 7, 2023
I sent a new lawyer to engage you in resolution and withdrawal. I've insisted you're required to withdraw the accusations if I'm innocent and a victim. The current lawyer behaves like the other lawyers.
He literally said "I've missed you". I don't know why a lawyer I've barely met will miss me and then inform me that barr.agholor whom indicated he's ready alongside the accusers to withdraw would state otherwise.
I've asked him to disengage from the matter like Barr.osifo who seems to be closely aligned with inspector blessing.
7:35 PM
Onyeama NPF