Chief Michael

April 29, 2022
do you need police escort ?
8:11 AM
Or do you have
8:11 AM
Chief Michael
The time for that has passed
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
5:16 PM
Can the case be withdrawn before Tuesday ?
5:16 PM
I need to handle some things next week sir
5:16 PM
Chief Michael
Hello my son didñt you loyer come today let be on save side ifthey
5:29 PM
Chief Michael
Can ox for peace talk fr ñow to m ondy which we are working on
5:36 PM
Make all effort for things to conclude by Tuesday, so they can withdraw their case by Tuesday.
7:19 PM
Chief Michael
Hello son they have çald my fàmly to come on Sunday to disçuse about the next to do and already at Ughelli of which I be going back tomorrow
9:25 PM
Okay sir
9:41 PM
April 30, 2022
Chief Michael
Missed voice call
2:43 PM
Chief Michael
I am at Agborhello
3:24 PM
3:24 PM
Chief Michael
We are going there by tomorrow with my farmly meaner
3:29 PM
The case has to be withdrawn before Tuesday
4:12 PM
Everything should be conclusive by tomorrow sir
4:12 PM
Chief Michael
They ask me to provide 200k for the king
4:44 PM
Okay, when is the case withdrawal expected ?
5:02 PM
This money so, wetin be he purpose ?, na to conclude the matter. If them nor serious i will push for court resolution. I need this matter sorted by Tuesday. I de call u so
7:35 PM
Chief Michael
My son call me on phone so day I will explain to you
8:03 PM
May 1, 2022
Chief Michael
6:07 AM
Chief Michael
Missed voice call
12:06 PM
Chief Michael
Missed voice call
12:09 PM
Chief Michael
Please my son I did not fold my hands seeing you in that place,am trying my possible best to bring peace in that family , because is the right thing to do first
6:16 PM
May 2, 2022
Chief Michael
Hello son of a priest how are we are going there by tomorrow morning to the king adivc e
11:59 AM
Chief Michael
How are you son of the peist , hope you are fine my son I have appointment with them tomorrow to discuss the issue and to know the way forward
12:07 PM
Today or morrow ?
12:08 PM
Chief Michael
12:09 PM
What happen to that plan for today ?
12:11 PM
Chief Michael
Yesterday I want dere with my brother's and dey ask us to go and come back day after which is tomorrow morning
12:13 PM
Chief Michael
My son I don't have money at hand please if you can be able to send 300k for me to be moving around and to buy fuel not only in my car and to take care of things because am not going there alone and to take care of the chiefs in the palace before the final cloudtion
12:27 PM
300k to buy fuel ? , where you de drive go sir ?
3:54 PM
Before this issue i sent u several Millions.
3:54 PM
The 200k u say is your balance at hand. What has been done with it ?
3:54 PM
Do u expect me to be providing money without purpose ?
3:55 PM
Chief Michael
This is what you can say what do think doing don't me to annoyed send the money or no movement Ian not happy the way do think if you dont give me money I not live I not take from you if you like the or I do my best by
4:07 PM
Chief Michael
The money you sent to I was using the money to repair my church I never this problem will come
4:35 PM
Na over 800k i don send u
5:15 PM
Before this i sent u at least 2 million
5:15 PM
Wetin this situation be ?
5:15 PM
An avenue to ask for money when from the onset u are approaching things as if my privacy, rights and security was not encroached.
5:16 PM
Chief Michael
Please forget about all this thing and forward money is everything in this matter
6:07 PM
Which money ?
6:17 PM
From where ?
6:17 PM
Is this an avenue to ask in that manner ?, what was done with 800k
6:17 PM
Chief Michael
Which 800k the last one million you sent no one Maria remain it was the money that was left me is the money that I am spending and that is finsh
6:28 PM
Finish and spent towards what ?
6:28 PM
What was it spent for ?
6:28 PM
Chief Michael
T can't give you all the Breck down I don't want to say do whatever is in mind God be with you
6:34 PM
what is the result and whwre do u expect money to come from ?
6:42 PM
U are not giving a plan but asking i send money
6:42 PM
So u cannot give clear highlight on what 800k went into
6:42 PM
How the 800k waka,
6:45 PM
So u expect me to be fund something that has no explanation ?
6:45 PM
May 3, 2022
Chief Michael
Hello my son for get all thing and let ox move forward for peace to rain
6:49 AM
May 4, 2022
Are u in Agbor ?
10:59 AM
Chief Michael
Hello Ian in Agbor
11:10 AM
Okay work at the site will continue today. Ruth and the welder will handle the fencing.
11:21 AM
How body sir
11:21 AM
Chief Michael
My son I don't understand what you are trying to do, where are you
11:35 AM
the fencing is proceeding today.
11:37 AM
Chief Michael
Because I still settling with the his family and we have not clouded
11:37 AM
That land is separate.
11:37 AM
This issue does not concern the fencing
11:37 AM
Chief Michael
Please my son be very care ok
11:40 AM
Chief Michael
There's is time for that
11:41 AM
Chief Michael
Because the reason am saying all this concern the issue at hand please my son calm down let us settle and bring peace together first
11:48 AM
Chief Michael
The the said is coming to see you tomorrow Thursday
11:49 AM
Chief Michael
The lawyer said is coming to see you tomorrow
11:51 AM
Chief Michael
And am coming to see you on Friday ok my son
11:52 AM
Kindly either provide the support you can or i am taking charge of the situation. What do u expect ?, that i wait for your convenience ?, my lawyer is in charge of the case, i am not yet informed of the plans or policies of the other lawyer. Neither an i impressed with the random actions carried out without my approval.
12:02 PM
Chief Michael
My son, I want to make peace with the people of aliame for the threat first before anything else. If anything should be carried out in the site, it cannot be this week. I want to see them and make peace then once they can forgive and there is peace we can call workers to resume.
12:41 PM
There is nothing ongoing with people in Alihame
12:48 PM
Don't bring up a non existent situation
12:48 PM
You are begging people because you want to. I de tell you with certainty that this plan of turning your children into fools is a bad one.
12:49 PM
The 800k, i need explanation to know how you spend am.
12:50 PM
The work at the site does not concern you.
12:50 PM
It is not your property.
12:50 PM
if you try to make a fool out of the entire family as you always do, you are on your own in that. My property was breach, my life threatened and the intent having the strongest likely hood of being criminal. You want to beg Alihame when you have not succeeded in doing the task of having the case withdrawn.
12:56 PM
Who be your fool ?
12:56 PM
Chief Michael
Do think you are right in what you are doing think of what you saying and is your property but you should on
1:13 PM
Chief Michael
When you stay work there what do think people say you have much money just hold on for small time
1:51 PM
leave my plans alone. If your approach is to beg everyone in life. Don't include me in that plan.
4:08 PM
I nor offend person.
4:08 PM
You are begging, same time you want me to be providing money to sponsor your begging.
4:08 PM
The 800k matter still unclear.
4:08 PM
Don't bring problems that don't exist like you choose to do.
4:09 PM
Chief Michael
The money has been spent don't think àbout the money rember that I am you father añd not you boy we must follow the law your lawyer will be with you tomorrow
4:55 PM
Don't cause a problem between me and you.
4:56 PM
Your advise so far has seen things being done to favor you at my expense.
4:56 PM
The person you are dealing with is not a child.
4:56 PM
The cars you used recently. I bought them.
4:57 PM
With my money
4:57 PM
The house, i fixed it.
4:57 PM
The church, also my money.
4:57 PM
Don't make statements that will reduce the also low confidence in your actions and intentions for me.
4:57 PM
Chief Michael
After knowing that you are my all and all why are you asking of 800k
5:18 PM
A situation will not come where you expect me caged when i did no wrong or become a cash cow. The fencing will go on, i am only notifying you.
5:19 PM
Chief Michael