Onyeama NPF

July 7, 2023
I'll call for further engagement and receipt of your advise on how we can speedily resolve this. I've asked you act fair otherwise I'd have to complain that you are oppressing me as a police officer. Be kind enough to act on evidence after verification than malice.
7:36 PM
Good evening.
7:36 PM
Onyeama NPF
Emma, I can't oppress you
10:02 PM
Onyeama NPF
You don't know what I'm passing thru as a result of this case
10:05 PM
Onyeama NPF
You feel I was the way that charged you to court
10:05 PM
Onyeama NPF
Ask your lawyer who signed the investigation report in the file
10:06 PM
Onyeama NPF
You went to court on the directive of my authority
10:07 PM
July 8, 2023
Good morning.
I am complaining the statement you and blessing are responsible for writing and presenting is not mine, does not contain anything related to my verbal dictation of the events that occured. That is my complaint not the fact that I was brought before court. I was charged using a statement falsified by you and blessing. That is a valid complaint.
6:50 AM
I am asking that the falsified statement be redacted and the actual facts be admitted. The lawyer I sent to you recently is not okay. I'll ask my lawyers to follow-up the matter. He was recommended by someone on an emergency basis.
6:51 AM
Onyeama NPF
I came to Agbor to see you in respect of this statement, you refused to see me
8:08 AM
Onyeama NPF
I have been trying my best but you won't understand the challenges I'm facing here. Why you are there is not bcos of your statement.
8:09 AM
Onyeama NPF
I even expect you to deny the statement if it doesn't represent what happened and tell the court the truth of what you know.
8:11 AM
Onyeama NPF
I was told by DPP that it lies in your lawyer to withdraw the case. I can't go to court and withdraw it at this stage
8:13 AM
Onyeama NPF
I have discussed with one of your lawyers on how to go about it and he agrees.
8:14 AM
I'm yet to present my case at court. The lawyers I've engaged continually do wrong. There are persons I've caught engaging my lawyers without permission to sabotage and misinform them. I'm detained so I'm limited by how I can manage the engagements to prevent corruption of my lawyers.
8:26 AM
I've relieved the lawyers including the recent lawyer, Barr.Francis. I'll engage others and ask they collaborate with you if you accept to acknowledge my statement you collected is untrue and support efforts to investigate the persons attacking me, including the attack while I was in your custody.
Petitions are planned towards my complaints.
8:28 AM
DPP works with information you provide. I've provided you facts showing that the report you submitted to DPP does not represent the truth. I did not admit to an accidental discharge.
8:29 AM
I asked if you were ready to take my statement. You said "no". That is why I refused to engage you on your visit. I was not interested in verbal conversations without giving a statement when we already had this conflict at Asaba. You and blessing stated the falsified statement was already tendered to your superior officers which made no sense. You can't work with a statement you created yourself and use it to charge me to court.
8:30 AM
I may not have provided you the latest update on discussions with barr.agholor.
Here's the document representing the conclusion.
8:31 AM
pages • 185.4 kb • pdf
8:31 AM
My complaint that the statement is not mine compels you to act towards my vindication and release. If you don't support the efforts you'd be found criminally liable for the time I've spent in prison and the wrong charge of murder against me. There's still still for you to do right. I encourage you take it as a personal responsibility to remedy the wrong you've done to me.
8:32 AM
July 9, 2023
Onyeama NPF
3:14 PM
5:48 PM
Onyeama NPF