Barr Osifo Asaba

May 16, 2023
pages • 11.7 mb • pdf
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
3:44 PM
Waiting for your account details.
Say Hi to Barr.Lex when possible.
3:45 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
This message was deleted
3:48 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
2062675868 u.b. a Bank Emwanta Ekenem Osifo thanks
3:49 PM
3:52 PM
The contacts of the IPO which I'm sure you have.
3:53 PM
file ext- "2 contacts.vcf"-"vcf"
3:53 PM
Print and study the facts, they're comprehensive in answering and explaining all that occurred on April 19, 2022, before and after it, proving I'm the victim and not liable for criminal accusation.
3:54 PM
200k sent.
3:54 PM
This accuses the person they claim to be dead.
3:55 PM
This does not accuse anyone.
3:55 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
3:58 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
4:00 PM
May 17, 2023
Barr.Osifo, goodday.
1:43 PM
I hope you're on the matter.
10:29 PM
May 18, 2023
Barr Osifo Asaba
Very well, yes sir
1:50 AM
I'm expecting your update, I've been detained unjustly for too long. I encourage you print the documents and advise alongside engage the police.
1:53 AM
I was to appear at court on 15th, I was notified the court did not sit.
1:54 AM
May 19, 2023
A lawyer I engaged Barr.Ehiedu sought 300k to assure bail, I gave him 500k. He didn't act positively or as directed. I've asked he tell me his charges for appearance and refund my money. I'll speak to you shortly and send his number. He has offered to refund but I'd like you review the case file, I will also review it to see if he acted without my permission negatively.
12:13 PM
I gave him more than 1 million naira from the time I engaged him without specific purpose but to ensure he act on the tasks I asked he carry out.
12:14 PM
He didn't carry out the tasks, recently when his negativity became evident I disengaged his counsel.
12:14 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Tell him to contact me and forward the file
12:32 PM
I'll speak to him and send you his contact. I'm not engaging his services at the moment.
1:27 PM
The latest casefile, proceedings at Umunede is needed. When we speak I'll tell you the things I need so you handle them asap.
1:27 PM
Im expecting your response from the meeting with the police today.
1:27 PM
Met with the officers ?. I've not spoken to barr.ehiedu, when I do I'll ask he expect your call.
5:31 PM
These are the reasons I'm asking you engage him.
5:31 PM
May 21, 2023
Barr Osifo Asaba
Call me ASAP, please I have discussed with my colleagues in ministry of Justice, keep our interactions mute and confidential
1:53 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I'll need your Dad's no. Or your senior brother Emmanuell
1:55 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Missed voice call
1:56 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Have you ever heard of Restorative Justice under AcJL recently enacted and signed in December
Case management and other related issues
1:59 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Bro I understand your need for results and your eagerness to follow up relentlessly, I will try but also cut me some slack I also have other matters I'm attending to and will crave your indulgence
2:01 PM
You've been engaged in the matter. My consultation is to engage and review the matter at court, representation and some actions alongside. You've had some days to engage the police. What is the slack you're seeking and your engagement of a matter means you're to workout your schedule to attend to my issue alongside whatever you're claiming to be engaged with, it's why I pay you.
3:35 PM
If you're talking about ACJL, that's your responsibility to review and advise. What i want done is speedy resolution of this matter. I have a set of actions and then your own advises would be considered. If you're unable to act, you can refund and I'll seek another counsel.
3:36 PM
I just called.
3:46 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Presently are you aware the judge at Umunede is on vacation as she is part of the judges presiding at the Electoral Petition tribunal in Nassarawa
4:02 PM
We should meet up, discuss and do all possible. Its why I've engaged your counsel.
4:03 PM
If you're busy I'd seek another.
4:03 PM
The police is expecting visit so they involve in the resolution as they rightly should.
4:03 PM
There are requests stated in the document I sent to you. You should review and advise which you can act on right now.
4:03 PM
The court provides CTCs regardless of the judge's presence. I've asked you get the casefile asap and review, then advise.
4:04 PM
You've stated you have persons at MOJ who can act, I'm waiting for your advise.
4:04 PM
The accusers have indicated they would like to forgive, I've stated they rather relieve me of any accusation because I'm the victim.
4:05 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I have just established contact through a colleague at Dpp / ministry of Justice for the withdrawal and will follow up via the records of proceedings and procuring the ctcs as advised
4:06 PM
Do you advise against engaging the police ?
4:06 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I will be in Agbor by Tuesday to see you
4:06 PM
There are some reasons I'd like the police involved. There are pending complaints I'd wish to petition and have investigated. The April 19,2022 incident. The attack while in their custody and the ones before it.
4:07 PM
I'd also like the officer at Agbor to provide his statement or report on why I invited him on February 12, 2022.
4:07 PM
Transportation, costs associated, anything, let me know.
4:08 PM
Ehiedu made efforts to get an out of court, which I'm sure he got because he's been behaving strangely. The in charge of Agbor prison handle investigation and Ehiedu received 50k to visit Asaba for the closure.
4:09 PM
I provide instructions to Ehiedu as to why I'm requesting closure, and asked he ensure he does not inform the incident being unintentional but rather that I am the victim of robberies and assassination.
4:09 PM
The police and Ehiedu sought to argue it as an accident against my advise.
4:09 PM
Same with Kalikwu.
4:10 PM
The reason these lawyers toed this path is evidently my family or other parties negative interest.
4:10 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
The police haven't much to do at this stage, cos if the withdrawal process scales through effectively vis a vis the contact established with isichei your prosecutor can apply for a nolle prosequi from the AG
4:10 PM
I've stated the matter to be withdrawn, not a nolle presequi per se.
4:10 PM
I've compiled evidence to win and acquit, then convict suspects in this matter.
4:11 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
4:11 PM
I've stated particular requests to be carried out by the police.
4:11 PM
I want you to also initiate those petitions and investigations. They're relevant to this case.
4:11 PM
If you've printed the document, or on your device. Review requests.
4:12 PM
On version 3.3 and advise what you can act on.
4:12 PM
Facts and evidences v3.3
4:12 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Vis, Noted will be the Crux of our case and defence
4:30 PM
Its not just an explanation, it's also specific requests.
4:30 PM
It would be necessary to arrests suspects at large.
4:31 PM
I've presented these facts with witnesses, they span more than April 19, 2022. I'm acting on them.
4:31 PM
May 22, 2023
9:51 AM
What is the plan today ?
9:51 AM
4:15 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Will see you on Wednesday, have begun applying for the records of proceedings, will be filling for an application for enforcement of fundamental human rights, amongst the prayers will be an order of court mandating the police to effectively reinvestigate the complaints earlier made by the suspect before the current incident whereas the complainant is now a victim
5:05 PM
Petitions or as order of court, important is the requests being acted on. I've made parallel efforts to achieve vindication and release. I'm expecting you.
5:35 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
10:13 PM
May 25, 2023
Met the officers?, Casefile?, I'll provide signed copies to you to present to the officers while receiving their notice. I need you to print the documents I sent so I sign for you to return when we meet.
9:24 AM
I need the casefile up the last court date. Minutes included.
9:24 AM
May 26, 2023
6:03 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
This message was deleted
8:51 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Will be with you in Agbor tomorrow, have printed out the documents
8:52 PM
I'm expecting you.
8:52 PM
May 27, 2023
When are you expected ?
12:35 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Before 3.00pm on My way now, please kindly send me Agholor Esq no.
1:51 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I'm here now
2:36 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Missed voice call
2:36 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
3:05 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I came but they , asked me to come back on Tuesday, I'm still around like 2 hours please kindly call me back
3:11 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I'm in Agbor presently, till 5.00 pm, if an arrangement can be secured with the authories to visit now will appreciate
3:19 PM
You can visit. I can inform persons present I'm expecting you. Primarily I'd sign the documents.
3:21 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I'm still around should I come back, pull the strings coz apparently your a special inmate
3:23 PM
Barr.Osifo if you're unserious make a refund.
3:23 PM
I don't know what is wrong with you.
3:23 PM
You're a Delta lawyer. Today is Saturday.
3:23 PM
If they don't allow visitors I'd simply ask they make an exception.
3:23 PM
You've been engaged in this matter since last year, be serious with your engagement kindly.
3:24 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba