Barr Osifo Asaba

May 27, 2023
Barr Osifo Asaba
im still outside , waiting
3:24 PM
I'm informing them to expect you.
3:24 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
That's why I'm here today
3:24 PM
If you're outside then come. I'm going to the gate area now
3:24 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
3:25 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I'm with your cousin now , the prison Warden
3:27 PM
What is your plan ?. I need the case file CTC. Onyeama and Blessing should acknowledge and immediately ensure the charge is withdrawn. A parallel investigation from court or police would bring same results if they refuse to act.
Agholor and Isichie feedback is expected before 30th.
If you can't act on these I'd have to engage someone who can.
4:44 PM
I'm not your enemy. Your utterances are not encouraging.
4:44 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
What utterances?
5:04 PM
We discussed all that.
5:05 PM
The section requests is important. If you ask the same questions presented in the document outside trial it's unhelpful. I wrote the documents, there's no chance of me forgetting what occured.
5:05 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Very well
5:07 PM
What is your plan ?
5:08 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Continue with the engagement of Onyema and Blessing as already initiated
5:11 PM
You've stated engaging DPP, trial ongoing. I need the casefile asap.
Can you handle this ?
5:12 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
5:12 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
A ctc of the case file and proceedings/ occurrences so far will be aviales to me latest Tuesday upon resumption
5:14 PM
5:14 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Then I can attach your Defence, exhibits , applications and requests
5:15 PM
At court ?
5:17 PM
I'm attending the trials in person, I attended the last trial where one witness presented their claims. If the order is all witnesses before my defense I'm looking forward but a motion with my arguments is helpful. The documents and exhibits are final.
5:18 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Via a request
5:19 PM
The casefile should provide me an update of all that has occured. I'm yet to know the next court date.
5:19 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
That's priority first by Tuesday it's guaranteed
5:20 PM
When will you admit these exhibits to court ?
5:20 PM
Then get the next court date ?
5:20 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
It has to come in via Motion along with your defense and claims
5:21 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Very well
5:22 PM
You should present as a motion with expectation of review at the next court date.
5:22 PM
The section requests outlines several requests, which can you act on ?
5:22 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Need to analyze, critically and update accordingly
5:24 PM
You've been asked to read through and do that.
5:24 PM
Its been almost a week.
5:24 PM
7:38 PM
If you're unable to attend to this issue, advise.
7:38 PM
May 28, 2023
file ext- "Barr Agholor.vcf"-"vcf"
10:39 AM
Barr Osifo Asaba
10:46 AM
May 29, 2023
Barr Osifo Asaba
8:45 AM
Chat better.
10:29 AM
Barr Osifo Asaba
I've presented your proposal to Onyema and Blessing they're yet to respond
Alternatively before this week's end I will forward it before the CP , AG and CJ
11:20 AM
Barr Osifo Asaba
The court in Umunede presently is not sitting as it is on assignment at the tribunals
11:21 AM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Will get the record of proceedings and file for you on Tuesday
11:22 AM
Barr Osifo Asaba
No Date yet
11:39 AM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Will be needing logistics to perfect your instructions
11:40 AM
What is a proposal ? I sent the facts of the issue. Onyeama already stated he's reviewed them. You should ask they act on it immediately and engage the senior officers of the command.
12:05 PM
A petition is required if they're not acting immediately. I didn't ask something random it's all stated in the request section of version 3.3
12:06 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
2062675868 Emwanta Ekenem Osifo. U.b.a bank, thanks
1:01 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
2062675868 Emwanta Ekenem Osifo. U.b.a bank, thanks
1:01 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Preparing the petitions and suits as instructed, while I await the logistics for mobilisation
1:59 PM
How much should I send of the 500k ?
3:53 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
For a start 200k will suffice for now
4:02 PM
Sending 250k
4:25 PM
Including 50k for mobility.
4:25 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
Seen/ Recieved
4:26 PM
4:35 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba
4:37 PM
May 30, 2023
Done ?
2:03 PM
May 31, 2023
5:58 PM
Its two days past when your feedback was expected.
5:58 PM
You exhibited this on engagement. You've received money and yet delaying with your actions.
5:59 PM
June 3, 2023
Your delay and lack of feedback is a problem.
9:56 AM
June 14, 2023
You've ignored my messages, what was the reason you received a total of 450k Osifo ?. Should I be calling you non stop?. You have a relationship with the police, if you're unable to render the services requested. Refund my money.
3:10 PM
Barr Osifo Asaba